Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
Why do we need better bicycle facilities downtown?
The Biggest Little Bike Network will make it easier and more comfortable to travel through downtown without a car which will give people of all ages and abilities an opportunity to visit destinations like the Aces Ballpark or events like Hot August Nights more comfortably and without needing to worry about parking. Downtown Reno currently lacks bike facilities which are comfortable for most people and these improvements will empower them to explore alternative modes of transportation while improving safety for all users.
How were these corridors selected for improvements?
The four corridors were selected based on public feedback as part of the concept development process in 2023 which considered potential improvements on seven corridors. The selected corridors received the most public support and had the greatest potential to reallocate existing street space for people biking, scooting, and walking while maintaining a high level of vehicle access through Downtown on nearby streets.
What does 30% design mean?
During the design process, 30% design is a plan that is detailed enough to review the main features before starting the final construction drawings. It's the first major milestone in the standard 30-60-90% design process, which is divided into three major steps. The 30% design phase is the starting point for a project's overall design.
When is construction set to begin?
Based on the current project schedule, construction could start as early as 2026.
How will construction be funded?
Construction for these corridors will be funded by the RTC primarily through available federal funding in combination with the RTC’s required contribution. The federal program that will provide most of the construction funding is the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality program.
Design Element Questions
How will this project benefit me when I am driving?
The improvements included in the Biggest Little Bike Network will help increase safety for people driving by reducing the number of potential conflict points at intersections. These improvements will also reduce the potential conflict points between people driving and people walking, biking, and scooting.
How will this project benefit me when I am biking, walking, or taking transit?
The Biggest Little Bike Network will improve safety for people walking and biking by making crossing distances shorter, providing physical barriers between people driving and people biking or scooting, and creating low-speed bicycle boulevards which are more comfortable for people biking. The project will improve transit efficiency by allowing buses to stop in the travel lane and making existing transit stops more comfortable for transit users.
Will on-street parking be reallocated due to the Biggest Little Bike Network?
Some street parking spots may be adjusted to accommodate new roadway designs such as curbs, striping, and transit improvements. Some parking spaces may be repurposed around driveways and intersections to help make people biking and walking more visible and increase safety for all users. More details about these potential changes will be available as the project design progresses.
What is a protected intersection?
Protected intersections provide a safe way for bicyclists to travel through intersections by making them more visible and providing a protected area ahead of vehicles to wait behind a concrete curb. These create shorter crossings for people walking and make navigating an intersection more comfortable for people biking and scooting while making their movements more predictable for people driving.

What is a bicycle boulevard?

A bicycle boulevard is a street with a low level of vehicle traffic and low vehicle speeds where bicycle traffic is prioritized through traffic calming measures such as speed tables, curb extensions, and measures to reduce the number of vehicles driving through the street including modal filtering (see below).
What is modal filtering?
Modal filtering reduces the number of vehicles traveling on bicycle boulevards by diverting traffic onto nearby streets to make bicycling on the street more comfortable.
What is a protected bike lane?

A protected bike lane provides a physical barrier, such as a concrete curb, between people driving and people bicycling to reduce the potential for conflicts and increase safety and comfort for all users.
What is a bike box?
A bike box is an area at the front of a traffic lane at signalized intersections where bicyclists can wait ahead of vehicles to make left turns more easily. This helps make bicyclists more visible, reduces delays for bicyclists, and helps keep vehicles from encroaching into

What is a bike signal?

Bike signals make crossing intersections safer for bicyclists by indicating when to enter an intersection and by restricting conflicting vehicle movements. Bike signals are traditional three-bulb signals with green, yellow and red bicycle icons that can be employed at standard intersections and hybrid signal crossings.
What is a floating bus stop?
A floating bus stop is a raised platform that allows buses to stop in the lane without pulling up to the curb. Transit riders simply cross the bike lane to access the bus. These help reduce transit delays, increase safety, provide more space for pedestrians, and eliminate conflicts between transit vehicles and bicyclists.